"... When life is the priority, any margin for error is something we cannot afford ..."
Silicosis and Pneumocomiosis
Specific Health Surveillance Protocol
This protocol reviews and updates the specific health surveillance protocol that was published in 2011, regarding silicosis caused by silica dust and mixed dust pneumoconiosis with siliceous content. For the rest of pneumoconiosis, the 2001 protocol will continue to be in force.
Respiratory diseases
Information on Respiratory diseases according to the dynamic digital library for students and health professionals of the University of Chile.
Silicosis and Carbon Pneumocomiosis
Silicosis and coal pneumoconiosis are produced by silica and carbon particles, respectively, and are the two most frequent types of pneumoconiosis in our environment.
Guide to Action and Diagnosis of Occupational Diseases
Despite the fact that occupational contingency insurance systems have successfully contributed to the reduction of occupational accidents in recent decades, the prevalence of occupational diseases continues to increase. For this reason, it is necessary to intensify efforts to reduce their incidence through measures specifically designed to prevent them.
Technical Guide for the prevention of Silicosis
Silicosis is one of the longest known occupational diseases, being a global problem, a situation from which Chile does not escape. Today this serious disease, caused by exposure to silica-containing dust, is perfectly preventable. Thus, the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), in the joint committee on work and health, formulated in 1995 a proposal for a Global Program for the Elimination of Silicosis. In the ratification of this Plan, the goal of eradicating the disease by 2030 has been proposed.
Inhalation of Silica and its Health Effects
During the extraction of the mineral, as well as its subsequent processing and use, the disease-causing inorganic dust is produced.
Circular B2 Nº32 Government of Chile
Instructs on the diagnosis and Medico-Legal evaluation of Silicosis
Protocol for the Surveillance of the work environment and the health of workers with exposure to silica
In Chile there are a large number of workers exposed to silica, therefore at risk of acquiring silicosis and other associated pathologies, which was demonstrated by the Institute of Public Health of Chile in a national study, carried out between 2004 - 2005, regarding the situation of exposure to this substance, which evidenced the existence of a great variety of items with the presence of silica, beyond mining activity.
Pneumocomiosis of coal workers
"Pneumoconoses" are chronic lung diseases caused by inhaling mineral dusts. The most common types of pneumoconosis are asbestosis, silicosis, and coal worker's pneumoconiosis (CWP). Coal workers are at risk of coal worker pneumoconiosis (CWP). There are two types of CWP: simple and complicated CWP. Complicated CWP is also called "progressive massive fibrosis." Both are due to inhaling coal dust.
Silicosis in Sandblasting Machine Operators
NIOSH Occupational Epidemiology Case Study. A case study, adapted for use in US high schools.
Recommended occupational exposure limits for health reasons for some mineral dusts (silica and carbon)
Today there are several million people employed worldwide in the extraction of coal and other minerals who can be exposed to the harmful effects of these same.
National Plan to reduce the incidence rate of silicosis by 2020 and its eradication by 2030 in Chile
Silicosis is a global problem and Chile does not escape this situation. For this reason, it is proposed to develop a National Silicosis Eradication Plan within the framework of the WHO / ILO Global Program on this matter by the year 2030.
Occupational respiratory diseases
Occupational diseases are those produced directly by the exercise of the profession. These are regulated by Law 16,744 and are provided by service providers usually called mutuals. This article describes the main epidemiological, pathophysiological, clinical, diagnostic criteria and therapeutic principles of four respiratory diseases, the most relevant in the national environment: Silicosis, asthma, asbestos diseases and hypobaric diseases.
Types of Lung Diseases in Firefighters
Respiratory Health, Department of Health
It is important to know why we should take care of our respiratory health, likewise, it is important to know what type of risks we are exposed to, what are the most common diseases when exposed to different types of contaminated atmospheres and what protective equipment allows us to obtain safety when to work.
Bronchial Asthma in Adults
Between 1% and 3% of the consultations of the hospital emergency services throughout the country in the group aged 15 to 44 years, are made up of obstructive bronchial crises, this cause being even more frequent in older age groups.
Outpatient chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is defined as a systemic and heterogeneous condition characterized by a persistent, irreversible and progressive airflow limitation. It is usually produced by an abnormal chronic inflammatory response of the airways and / or alveolar, against gases or noxious particles that causes structural changes and narrowing of the small airways, loss of the alveolar anchorages to them, and a decrease in the force of elastic recoil of the lung. This is related to the inhalation of different toxins, the main one being tobacco. However, there are other less frequent ones such as biomass (wood stoves, charcoal), environmental pollutants such as atmospheric pollution and different pollutants found in people's work environments. A very low percentage is due to congenital alpha1 antritrypsin deficiency.
Pocket Guide for the management and Diagnosis, management and prevention of COPD
COPD constitutes a major public health challenge and is a major cause of chronic morbidity and mortality worldwide.
This guide has been prepared based on the document on the Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of COPD.
Lung cancer
Lung cancer corresponds to malignant tumors that originate in the airways or lung parenchyma. In 2013, more than 225,000 individuals were diagnosed with lung cancer in the United States (USA), and more than 150,000 individuals died from the disease. The neoplasm is rare before the age of 40 and the numbers increase until reaching the age of 80, a limit after which it decreases again. The lifetime probability of developing lung cancer is 8% in men and approximately 6% in women.
Lung Cancer Clinical Practice Guide 2018
Ministry of Health. Executive summary of the 2018 Lung Cancer clinical practice guide.
Some lung cancers can be found through early detection tests, although most are found when they cause discomfort. The definitive diagnosis of lung cancer is made by looking at a sample of lung cells in the laboratory. If you have possible signs or symptoms of lung cancer, see your doctor.
Lung Cancer Guide
The lungs are the organs in charge of respiratory function, they have a spongy appearance. They are located in the thorax, protected by the ribs, one on each side of the heart. The space that separates them is the mediastinum and the heart, the trachea, the bronchi and the outlet of the great vessels are housed in it. The lungs are one of the largest organs in the body.
Inhalation of wood smoke: a relevant but little recognized cause of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common diseases worldwide, the prevalence of which is increasing and represents a huge health burden for society. In Latin America, the estimated prevalence figures vary between 7.8% and 19.7%. Although cigarette smoke is the most important risk factor for the development of this disease, exposure to smoke from biomass fuels, especially firewood, inside the home, for cooking and heating, is also a relevant although little recognized cause of COPD in developing countries. Taking into account that half of the world's population, some 3 billion people, use fuels of this type, the impact it could have on the health of the exposed population is a matter of special consideration.
Other Smoke Diseases
Indoor air pollution and health
Some 3 billion people continue to cook and heat their homes with solid fuels (that is, wood, agricultural residues, charcoal and mineral and animal excrement), in open fires and in leaky kitchens. They are mostly poor people living in low- and middle-income countries.